A 5am wake up! What's all the buzz!

Goooood morning my little sloths! It's another day to live our buzziest life! This morning I was rudely awakened at 5am, by, well, I can only assume myself! There was nothing else happening, so I guess it was just one of those mornings when Sloth decided to be a little more buzzy!

It's interesting how some days we find the lease of life that could send us off on adventures, be it sky diving, gorge walking, or simply having a 6AM coffee! Sometimes it's the little things in life that mean the most.

Whatever today has in store for you, I hope you embrace it and make the best of it! No matter the situation, look for the positives, and be grateful for what you have and what you can be! There's nothing stopping you in life but yourself! It's time to take control of the sloth and show him you can buzz!

Take 5 minutes to look around, appreciate what you have, and then set your mental focus for the day ahead, yes we all have those little niggling chores to do, but we also have the opportunity to use our time to be productive and help ourselves and others! Do something for someone else today, be it something simple or something extravagant! Watch the smile creep across their face and fell your face copy!

There's something magical in making someone else smile, and trust me, from a not-people sloth, even I get a buzz from it! Knowing that you can brighten up the life of someone else who could be having a bad day could make the biggest impact! It's easy to forget, or not even realise the position other people may be in. The smallest of gestures, even just saying good morning and asking how someone is could be the biggest thing that happens in their day!

Take your chance, do something nice, even if it's just being friendly and offering a good morning and a smile to a stranger! Smiles are contagious! Make today your day and make someone smile! That's my challenge to you this morning! Happy Thursday! I hope you have an awesome day what ever the day brings!