A day of procrastination
What a day it’s been. Good evening sloths! No buzzers today, it’s been a long day of doing pretty much nothing. I as always have a few ideas for a post, but in all honesty im not sure I can put the effort into an informative posts.
Funnily enough the subject of burnout was floating around the sloth discord, it happens to even the buzziest sloth! Its important to take advantage of these sloth days sometimes, a little sun wouldnt go a miss too! Bring on Spring!
Well, I could write about the recent power-up days, pizza and leo, or we could talk about the upcoming birthday power up event! Have you seen the rewards on that post! Thats the dream, one day! It most definetly wont be today. Im just going to blog this in my own blog. No tags. I dont think it deserves even the general tribes tag but I want to hit a month of posting! Small goals!
Speaking of tags, ahk not today, we’ll see how it goes and if it’s a subject we need to broach at another time. Its been a busy enough couple of weeks on Hive!
Back to watching battlebots whilst the doggo fights for attention. Have a great Thursday all! Sloth out (i am today)