A New buzz for sloths this coming month! Can things be better together?

Good afternoon buzzers! A slothly update about my plan for the coming month! I think it's the best way to keep me on target, public shaming is incoming if not.

So, this month was all about posting every day for a month, a challenge I set myself midway through the month and regretted ever since! It's so much easier making posts when you don't 'have to'. Although, if I can continue to build on this momentum, maybe I could make this a 'full-time job' just for providing useful information to Hive! As they say, find a hobby, make it earn for you, then enjoy your work! Or something like that!

With that in mind, my goal for next month is to build on my Sloth Tools post. I've previously dabbled in some How to Hive/Tutorial (Hive communities for newbies/ How to get Hive/Mobile App guide) posts, and I figure it could be a great asset to newer users, and some of us older sloths too! We're never too old to learn something new! I for one find myself learning a new Hive 'thing' every day! Such a great community to be part of!

Where was I, easily distracted?! Oh yes, building off my previous post, I intend to write more 'how to' posts, one for each tool I've mentioned! (Better than the half-arsed attempt I had at the engage app overview, to be fair, I linked a great guide!).

All whilst looking to continue finding more hive tools and projects, feel free to drop me a comment with any I may have missed! (Or better yet, jump into the SlothBuzz Discord and shout at sloth about all the amazing projects he's forgotten!)

I know I have a few more Tip commands to highlight, there are definitely some awesome communities I want to share more information about, and the number of websites/outposts on Hive is incredible, there's something for everyone out there!

There are lots of hints and tips that get shared around Hive if you're willing to DYOR, but if you're like most sloths, you've probably not even read this far and will never learn about Hives secrets! I'll try to make my coming posts as informative as possible, with lots of pictures for easy reading. Highlighting the tools, communities and other hive 'things'!

The only way for Hive to grow is if we all support it, helping each other learn more about Hive and building! Whilst decentralisation is cool and all, it still requires a huge amount of cooperation and support! Only when we find common ground to grow together can we onboard more users with ease! One of the major hang-ups for new users is trying to find their way through Hive and get into the swing of it!

Drop me a comment with any awesome posts/communities/tools that can help new users, I'm going to start doing a deep dive but there's always something new to follow up on! Let's start sharing the best of what hive has to offer and make It easy to find and digest! (I'll be doing so in Slothbuzz Discord and through this new series of Hive posts!

Until then, Sloth out!