A New day, a new week, same old sloth?

Good morning buzzers, Happy new day, new week, new me! Well, I at least managed to do some Yoga first thing and am now creating my posts before 8 am, so it's a good start! Onwards and upwards as they say!

And stretch! Namaste!

Yesterday I sunk to the point of realising I have to 'do something'! So, I set a 5am alarm, with the best of intentions! Of course, it was clammy last night, sleeping was a challenge, and the 5am alarm came and was snoozed! So, after a couple of snoozes, and a game of 'let's see what time I actually wake up' I managed to drag myself out of bed by about 6.30. Not bad, but not good either. I need to find the willpower to at least get myself up in the morning or this new motivation isn't going to happen.

I actually watched a video yesterday that sparked some motivation again, 'How to get out a rutt'. I think I already knew all these things, they're pretty simple concepts, but when putting them together, let's hope they give a sloth the buzz he needs! I think I'll need to invest some time into finding a 'good' morning schedule. It's all so easy to make excuses as to why I can't stick to it though! For this morning, I'm already killing it, crossing off tasks, lining up my day and being hopeful I can stick with it!

There's so much that I could be doing, it's easy just to let it overwhelm me and do nothing. Which, clearly isn't the best outcome! So for the next week at least, I'm going to challenge myself to get back into the swing of things, make some magic happen and see where we go from there. As the old saying goes, what's for you won't go by you, however, if you're not paying enough attention, you may miss it coming all together!

Each day can be a sloth for us all, the key is to continue moving forward, even if that is at a sloth pace, every step forward counts! So, this morning, it's all about 'doing something'. Anything, and then reward yourself for it, even if that's just having some breakfast, taking a shower, or doing the dishes! Each and every task you complete is a little win, appreciate it and use that energy to bounce into the next one. You may just be amazed at how much this momentum can achieve!

Hopefully, my internet plays ball with me today, I think that's one of the main factors that derails my efforts. Each day I seem to fight with the WiFi demons, let's hope we can keep them at bay today otherwise I really need to find a better solution!

Sloth out