Boss pvp gamimg: battle royal How to play

Lets get started: Beta link Click here
Welcome to the Boss Royal How to play, this brief guide to get you started with the Boss Royal, plenty of updates to come so things will be changing and this guide will probably be out of date before you're finished reading.
Boss Royal is being Tested on Shasta Testnet, make sure to change your tronlink settings first! Get free Testnet tokens: here

For tronlink mobile here's a handy video here.
The link takes you to Boss PvP telegram channel, make sure to check it out!

Now it's time to immerse yourself in Boss Royal Battle Royal beta test! Click here
Hit sign in!
First steps
Open the door to the biggest fight of your life!
Mobile or PC it doesn't matter, with up to 150 players in a game everyone is in with a chance of winning! (Don't forget you'll earn BLT tokens as long as you're alive!).

After you've clicked sign in and accepted the transaction you're into the main screen!
Unlock a character then join a game at the bottom of the screen (ongoing games can't be joined)

Unlock the free character "Sai" (I'm sure that's a coincidence) then scroll to find the second character "Hazel"
Just click the orange unlock button to unlock! (remember to unlock the free character first!)
Jump into a game!
Click on one of the rooms 100 trx or 10 trx. Boss Gaming Telegram are doing a giveaway with TRX, DST, BOSS, Frag and VOID tokens during the test period, jump into their telegram channel to find out more!

After click the 10 or 100 trx lobby, click join under any grayed out character. You can use both in a game. If your character is already in the room it'll be orange
The aim of the game:
The aim of the game is to be the last man standing! Loot the buildings and equip your items! Move to the next zone, as they are destroyed, players will be forced to fight. If another player appears ATTACK. You earn (soon to be added) experience for your character and BLT (game dividend tokens). Plus earn exp and BLT for kills + BLT every 5 mins you are alive.

You can move one space in any direction (including diagonal)
Click one zone around you character to move.
Red zones are destroyed, orange will be in the next 20 seconds, you cant travel to red zones.
When you start, check the map for your character and consider your next move. You can (and should) loot some buildings to find items and BLT!
Players have 5 second cooldown between actions. So don't panic if you don't react first click every time, check the CD next to your player icon.
Player Actions = Looting/Attacking/Moving/Using or Equipping items (5 sec CD)
Cooldowns might be changed during testing.

If there is an enemy in your zone they'll appear above the buildings, click on their portrait to ATTACK!
Watch your health and armor! If low you may need to move away to heal or replace your armor/weapon
Check your CD, if they moved into your zone you should have a chance to attack first. Pay attention!
Inventory and Items

Next open you inventory and equip items, one to each slot
Gun, Helmet and Armor remember 5 second cooldown between actions!
In game items
- Guns - Attack and H/S chance (check you bullet count)
- Armor - 1000 Armor Max
- Helmet - Gives h/s reduction buff
- Bandage/ Medikit - Heal
- Grenade - 200 Zone Damage
We hope you enjoy the beta, please give any feedback in Boss Gaming Telegram (here) Join now as to not miss the contests and giveaways that are happening during the Beta and into launch! Full review coming soon.
Posted from my blog with SteemPress :