BST, UTC, GMT, Fall Back, March Forward, What does it all mean!
Good evening, afternoon, or morning? I think it's evening, today is one of those strange days in the UK, where we lose an hour, no we gain an hour, well, either way, the microwave and cooker are telling me a different time from my computer and iPhone!
So what time is it? BST no more, which means we're back to UTC, or GMT, or is GMT the one that sticks with UTC and BST is the other one? People in other countries think they have a hard time with timezones across crypto, we cant even decide the time with ourselves!
But brighter mornings, and darker nights, just what everyone wants through a miserable winter! Let's hope we can keep the power on, and see how many PMs we can go through before the next clock changing day!
Which is in March, when we march forward one hour! So, I guess the time fell back today, one hour closer to American time, one hour further from Oz, or do y'all jump back and forward like us?
Or is this a British tradition like queueing and or getting absolutely wasted watching the football and singing as we're coming down the road?
Well, that's all for now, just wanted to moan about the fact I have different times on different clocks around the house here in the UK, not sure if it's dinner time or bedtime!