Do something, Do anything, Just DO something!

A new day, new week, new month, new year, a new me?

Or Just another day to continue down the same path. How often do you actually STOP? To take count of what you're doing on a daily basis?

Are you actually moving forward? Or are you stalling, waiting, hoping something will happen? Moving sideways, or even backwards?


I know as a "little sloth" I play on this, and procrastinate, slowly "going" nowhere. I have plan, I have ideas, I motivation, why should I? Maybe someone will hand me everything on a plate, let's be honest, I SHOULD be given everything! Why should I have to work?

Well, how did the rich get rich? Mostly due to WORKING! That's right, they might not be sitting next to you in the office, tackling the "daily grind" but they work, they work whilst you're sitting chatting with friends, and they work whilst you are taking drugs or drinking. They work while you SLEEP!

That's right, there's a good chance when you go to bed tonight, the hardest workers, and biggest earners are still grinding away. But, what are they working on? Are they solely focused on one single small task, or are they just working to move forward?


I've recently listened to a lot more podcasts, I thought I should read more books, but in reality, what does a book give you? It's some words on a page, much like these words, do they actually change anything? Will you accept them and use them to make yourself better, or will it just be another post you read and forget?

I'm by no means a "motivational speaker", most definitely not a "Financial advisor" heck, some days I wonder how I drag myself out of bed and do anything. This seems to be "the new normal". Covid over the last few years showed us, even more, the unjust nature of the world, whilst "the small" people were shut down, locked in, and force-fed bullshit information, the richest got richer. They didn't stop their business, they didn't stop meeting and building connections with others. In fact, you'd be hard-pressed to see anything that changed for the "rich" other than the amount of wealth going their way increasing 10 fold!


What's the point of this post, I'm not sure, but it's "work" it allows me to get content out and continue to move forward. Ideas are great, but it's those that act upon them that will be successful. Sloth is full of ideas, I give them out like candy on Halloween! Some for you, some for you and some for you! I should probably start selling them! Oh look an idea to sell ideas! Something else I won't act upon, for now, content is KEY! I need to get myself focused and building. For years I've always said "I need a dev for xx" 4 years later, I'm still waiting on these magical devs that will build everything...

As the old saying goes, if you want something done do it yourself. Combine this with, "it's not what you know but who you know" and you're set for Crypto success. Get off your ass, put the effort in, and BUILD something! It doesn't have to be huge, but start building, start making progress and connect with others in the industry!

Everyone in crypto is out for one thing, themselves! Of course, we all want to work for the "greater" good, we're all here for the "technology" but at the end of the day, why are you building? Why are you creating? Why are you on Hive? To EARN! Simple. Crypto is PvP (player vs player), in fact, life is PvP! If you're not the best, you're losing.


This is a very Black and White way to look at things, of course, everyone will have different niches and successes, but in reality, if you're not number 1, you're not winning. Our current "soft" society is on course for a crash course and "great awakening", it maybe not be the awakening as foretold by right-wingers, with a mass reset and New World Order. But awakening in that govt is not here for us, people are all out for themselves, and no one will wipe your ass for you! Being ignorant is no longer an excuse, the blinkers only last so long.

So, the point of this post? I needed to make some content, I need to get my juices flowing and continue to push ahead, I could sit reading posts, curating, and voting on your posts, but are you doing the same for me? Or are you out for number 1?

Time to step up, fight for your beliefs, and fight for your right to succeed!
The only one able to make you successful is you! Get out there and grab it!


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