Good afternoon Hivians!

Hivians? Sloths? Buzzers.... Ecencians? Well, hello one and all! It's Hump day, i've done a very small amount of work so now I'm back to procrastinating. I've been listening to some interesting podcasts/interviews whilst working. They've verged into God and how the earth began.

Has the world been around for millions (possibly billions) of years, or has it only been 6000ish? Were humans created by God or science?

But, this is one of those topics we probably shouldn't delve too far into, especially when talking with a lack of knowledge. It's something I'm interested in looking more into, region as a whole, and our purpose in the world!

For now, I'm slothin, getting some words out to keep my juices flowing. As always, procrastination is at the heart of this little sloth, my steam app keeps catching my eye, what game should I I must work...on what? Hive? Playing games? Rising star, Cryptoshots! Oh I need to check into Woo and stake my earnings, grab my GLX and check on my Splinterlands.

There's always so much to do, even when there's nothing! I thought I was going to push this towards 500 words a day, but by the looks of it i'd be better aiming for the 240 char zap fic!

Let's add a meme or two and call it a day, good day everyone, hope you're having the best Hump day possible!