Good Day buzzers, Happy Hump Day!

Good afternoon, it's once again Hump day, typically the hardest day for sloths! Why you ask! It's the day we come out of our tree to go to the toilet! This once-a-week feat of bravery allows us to Hodl all week long!

Well, enough about that! I just wanted to get a quick post out to get my creative juices flowing! For the last two days, I've been hooked to Mount and Blade Warband! So much so it's calling me right now to play again. I'm wondering if i'd have enough time to sink another hour into it before doing the work I need to get done today.

So, there we have the extent of my thoughts right now, I normally get myself into a little sinkhole of different matters when writing these something something posts, however today, I find my self thinking only of one thing...Mount and Blade!

Strangely enough, even my dreams turned a little Mount and Blade, and I found myself at options menus to decide where I went in my dream, I had been trying to do some Lucid dreaming recently, but not how I thought it would go! I expected an island of sloths, chilling in hammocks, relaxing, smoking some of god good greens and experiencing a new awakening to light a buzz under my ass and make my millions!

Should I forget it all and seek glory in Mount and Blade, or is life trying to tell me I should consider my options before partaking in any action at any place? Maybe there's more to be said for considering your choices before committing to a decision.

Of course, it wouldn't be wise to ponder these decisions too long, sometimes you need to be a little more buzz than sloth! With that in mind, I've empowered myself to focus on work! At least for the next little while. Side note: Apparently setting yourself 5 minutes to begin a goal will build into more time committing to it, so, onwards to today's work!

Good Day all, until next time, I hop up on my Mount, draw my Blade, and push onwards for glory!

PS don't forget the meme contest in Sloth Buzz Discord! The Prize pool rises EVERY DAY!!! Discord link