Good Morning 500 Words a Day community! I see some new "active" users!

Good morning one and all! It's a beautiful Monday and sloth is feeling alive!

It's time to crack out my next 500 words to keep the creative spark flowing!

I've been finding this very inspirational, so many ideas come when you least expect them! Let's hope Monday is full of productivity!

Funnily enough, for sloth getting involved in Hive this week, the challenge this week is procrastination, I think you might still have time to get involved, as long as you don't procrastinate!

I think I like the idea of combining a meme challenge with some OG art, will make this an official challenge via! But, that's the last I mention today, I need to focus on being creative!


With that said, sometimes even HotPot AI gets a little lazy! I still love pushing random thoughts through the AI generator there! It has some interesting responses!

Had a lovely walk on the beach this morning with the dog, being easily distracted, I move onto him as he jumps onto my lap looking to go for another walk! I guess it's time to get myself wrapped up in this cool autumn air! Definitely a shift in the seasons coming!

Oh, recently got Grammarly again (Gives it's self a capital, look) seems to be helping fix some of those dodgy spellings I make whilst typing! And the auto-correct for I is pretty good! One of my most common mistakes in grammar!


I really love these landscape designs HotPot comes up with, there's a million stories just waiting to be told from that image!

Reminds me of evenings where I am now, lovely amber skies with this little sloth chilling by the water, the only real difference, is there's no MASSIVE puppy jumping on his head!

My peaceful sitting on the beach is oft disturbed by his boundless energy and inquisitive nature! Definitely keeps this sloth on his toes.

Definitely, definitely, definitely...ahh still got it wrong the third time, thank Grammarly! I really should use these blogs to practice words, spelling has never been a strong point...


I'll stick to quick maff! Sloth is awesome, as long as it doesn't go over 6...I've only got 6 fingers!

Well, I feel like I'm coming to the end of this article but it seems I've still got a few words to go! So let's make up a quick poem!


One day there was a little sloth,
he was being carried by a moth.
Flying high over the houses below
The Moth had never flown so slow!

After taking a break for a nap,
they had a quick look at the map.
Onwards to their end goal
Hoping to get their hole...

Okay, I admit, it went a little off at the end, but I couldn't think where else they wanted to go!

Imagine a SLOTHMOTH that things would be insane! Massively sloooow!


ok last 20 words, I really need to take the puppy out!

Sloth out! I'll see you next time!
Please drop your own #500words!!