Good Morning Hivers / Bees / buzzers?

How is everyone today?? It's a glorious Tuesday and a new day to live your best life!

What to talk about? Crypto? Life? Nothing? Sloths? We all love sloths right? Even bees love sloths! Sloth Algae is awesome for everyone!

As always sloth is full of ideas, we thought about the play to earn / guild / community content idea. It's been growing for years, lots of ideas, changes, rebuild...then we come back to hive, start paying some attention to what's going on...and WOW!

Hive is the best kept secret of crypto, when you're in you're in. But if you're outside how do we get people in? I've been stumbling my way thought the communities, #hivevote #hiveprojects #leofianance #proofofbrain

So many awesome communises building what what we've been trying to do, finding the best chain was always a major issue. So many options, how to find a focus? More so, why focus on one? Why limit ourselves?

With that in mind, we continue to push, now in a more #hive focus. Let's bring together the best of #Hive and make CMF Gamers and Crypto a #crypto #gamers community helping to onboard new users, shaping the future of crypto!

Anyone got any more info one the tokens available on hive? I've seen things like #lolz and #pizza? How does it work, how do you earn it, what's the best way to utilise it?
