Hive...Discord discord discord discord ahhh too many discords!
Good morning my fellow Hivians! Today I ask the question of Discord. Do you partake in Hive discord? Or do you use Discord for your Hive communities to have this discord?
Discord, by definition, is a lack of harmony, so why do we all feel obligated to utilise the service to try to build such harmony? It's the contronym to Sloth.Buzz's oxymoron. Are these things done on purpose? How do they take off and find their buzz?
Personally, I tend to hop into EVERY Hive discord I find on Hive, it's always nice to have a look at what's going on and find other interesting people and topics to discover.
I've noticed over the last few months many of these channels have run into the bear market hibernation zone. Not much activity overall. Therefore, I find myself pushing most of these discords into a folder, never to be looked at again unless I need to find something in particular.
How is your Hive/Discord balance? Do you have one or two channels you frequent and ignore the rest? What draws you to a certain Discord? Is it the people, the topics, the activities or the freebies?
What are your main turns on and turns off for a Discord server? I know I find myself auto-muting the bot channels and post promo channels. There are not many people who pay attention to those. I also find myself turned off by low activity, and too much activity. Talking to yourself in someone else's server just doesn't feel right, I have my own for that. and when there's too much going on it's hard to find somewhere to squeeze in.
Do you enjoy supporting other Hivians, seeing their streams going live or their tweets? Would you rather have one or two channels only in a server to keep things compact and easy to follow?
This is my dilemma for this morning, I've been having some discord issues, it's verrrryyy slow! And when a sloth is saying that it must be super slow! I'm not sure if it's just my slothly connection to the interweb, or if it's to do with the number of channels I have, all be it, most are muted and hidden away in a folder. Do I 'need' them all? Probably not, do I 'want' them all? Probably not also, but I don't want to burn any bridges with a channel only to realise I need it in future.
So, what's your discord do's and don't? It seems to be the missing piece to most Hive communities. All the chat and interaction goes on there, with a small flavouring of that flowing to Hive.
And let's not even get into other social media and outlets where people connect. From Twitter to Tik Tok, Reddit to medium! There are plenty of web2 platforms we're all still utilising, or trying to leverage into our web3 world!
Would a 'Hive' server fill the purpose for all, could all communities utilise and share one space? Imagine having all the music content in one place, all the contests and giveaways in one place. All community and Hive announcements are in one place! Imagine...a centralised world within a decentralised structure!
Is this a pipe dream for a sloth? Something we can never achieve? Should we make a 'natural' ground for all communities to flourish (or better yet, utilise the community Discord for this very such means! After all, that's one of the main focuses of Discord, helping even the slothliest of us, reach our potential buzz on Hive!)
Let me know how you feel about Discord overall, the high points, the low points and everything in between, let's have some 'friendly discord' on the potential to evolve as a whole!
Sloth out!