Hive sucks! Fakes, Scammers and Cheats! A Steelman argument challenge?

Good afternoon buzzers! Sloth checking in with another thoughtful post!

So, this morning, well, after a slothish day yesterday, I challenged myself to get my ass in gear! Don't worry, nothing will drastically change, it's all part of the Sloth...Buzz way of life! Sometimes we're up, other times we're down! Also noticed it's 4:20 today! What a day to choose to be more productive! (I'll make up for that later, it's almost 4:20 on 4:20)

So, Yesterday, after wasting a day watching Youtube videos, of people playing games...I know, very mature! I decided to give myself a talking-to, right after getting into bed, whilst trying to get to sleep. Always the best time for those deep discussions with yourself, who needs sleep anyways?

So, there I was tossing and turning for hours, whilst criticising my laziness! Planning how I would turn my life around and make things better tomorrow (today)!

A New Leaf

It started pretty good this morning, still moaned at the dog for 'crying' when he woke this morning, he can't help it, he needs a poo! But, I don't want to hear it! The sound goes through me, mmm mmm mmmmmmmm! (or something like that, does anyone with a dog know the sound? How to type it?) This is my first major issue to correct! I should be up before he needs out! I have set an alarm for tomorrow morning. I have a feeling he'll still start crying when the alarm goes off and he wakes up, he needs a poo, just like I do every morning (minus the crying part), too much info? Well, tough! Thanks for reading btw!)

I threw myself the challenge of doing 10 pushups to get the blood flowing, and I actually felt slightly better this morning whilst completing them! I've also challenged myself to begin the 30-Day/Push-up challenge (need to research it properly) and add in 2 more each day for a month. It's something like that, clearly, I haven't reached this part of my day yet!

Anyway, I had some posts, scheduling, and daily 'maintenance' of life. You know, things like washing and eating! It's amazing how many of those little things you can overlook when you don't have a routine!

So this is the main theme for today, get somewhat of a routine for moving forward. Thought about some more post ideas and ways I can contribute more to Hive and the overall building of the sloth branding, or lack thereof!

Anyways...I decided to ban myself from watching Youtube/Rumble this morning, no smoking, it's focus time! And, so far so goodish...Managed to complete some tasks, got a post done, currently working on this one (clearly!). Got a few ideas down on paper for other things, and completed some basic maintenance of life. (Did I say that already? I will go back and check at the end! I do love rereading my posts 2/3 times before posting...only to read it one last time after find all the mistakes I overlooked 3 times prior!).

So, where was I? Oh yes, no YouTube, some more productivity, ended up on Spotify, and I am currently listening to this playlist, which is giving me some old memories and keeping me motivated for writing!

(Oh does that show as a playlist on Peakd/Hive? Pretty cool!) Just realised I wrote most of this on peakd...hopping over to Ecency to post, need to rack up them points!

'Bluetooth classics'. Some 'golden oldies' of my generation! Who remembers sharing tunes via Bluetooth on the back of the bus home from school? Those were the days! Almost as bad as the OG ringtones we had! Crazy frog anyone? Who remembers buying a ringtone from the newspaper hahaha!

Check us, veering off topic again, my brain is all over the place, I'm surprised anyone can follow my writing! Although, I have had a few people saying they enjoy my style. No idea why? Unless their brain is as 'all over the place' as mine! How many random things have we discussed so far in this post? Right, back to the point...

Back on topic, The Steelman debate?

I was listening to Joe Rogan's podcast this morning, his episode with Bill Ottman the creator of Has anyone here used it? Check it out here I mentioned it in the slothbuzz discord and the handy AI tip/chatbot told us a little more about it!


Who said AI wasn't useful? Anyways, Minds is a social media platform. Centralised decentralisation, sort of like Hive! Although slightly more centralised for now, with a LOT more users (ease of access anyone?) and they're working on 'better' decentralisation! Either way, it's a little more 'freedom of speech' orientated than most social media platforms, and has some form of revenue share with users. Overall, I rather enjoy it, mainly for the MEMEs! Of course, some of the memes aren't to everyone's taste...but..they're JOKES! I remember the good old days when you could actually make jokes without being called a racist/nazi/homophobe/insert ist or obe here!

Lots I could talk about, but join Minds! I'm going to shill Hive there, and vice-versa, see if I can milk y'all for some earnings mwahaha!

But, the part that got me, and the title of this post, some 800 words ago! Have you ever tried to 'steelman' an argument? (First time I've heard of it so I gave it a quick Google, (oh, should really use 'Presearch') funnily enough, one of the results came back 'steel-woman'!) So, Have you ever tried to Steelthem an argument?!?! Political correctness has gone bonkers recently! What is a Woman?!?!

Now playing Devils Advocate I LOVE it! Especially when someone shows they're 'really' into a topic. It's so easy to prod and poke regardless of the position I actually take. Straw manning is another term I've heard, taking a weak point on the opposing side just to prove your point, it's always something easy to argue against. We've all done this at some point.


The Steelman/woman/theming argument is a little more interesting. What if we ACTUALLY took the opposite side to our points and argued against ourselves? (Yes anyone who did 'debate' in school probably has done this, although, in today's climate, 'debate' is probably banned! No one should have original thoughts! Groupthink for all! You'll own nothing and be happy and all that!)

Moving on, how would this work? For example, I rather like Hive, I think it has some good potential...But have I ever looked at those 'against' Hive, taken into account their point and tried to double down on those negatives? (The answer is no, but already I'm thinking of a few 'good' reasons not to support Hive).

This can work with anything, race, religion, politics...all the 'big' topics of the day, the things you shouldn't discuss in a bar/on a blog where you want to make some money eh Hive!

So here's my challenge to you. Take something you believe in, and Steelman yourself! Put your view to one side, and pretend for a minute you have the opposite view. Bring the 'best' reasons against your argument, and actually see if there's any base to them. Use sources and 'facts'. See whether challenging your beliefs brings you closer to what you originally believed, or opens your mind to a little more exploration on the subject!

Steelman challenge

Try it in the comments, Pick an argument...uhm 'Debate' you may encounter with someone, post your 'side' or 'tribe' opinion, then, argue AGAINST yourself...and if it's interesting enough, I may play devil's advocate with you and see if we can get some interesting debates!

For example:

I Love Hive and think it has HUGE potential (My real position).

  • So I would use a Steelman argument against my view:

Hive is controlled by a small group of Whales, it'll never 'take off'. There's too much politics and 'Tribes' for it to ever become mainstream. Everyone is only out to make money, they don't care about anything else.

(Brief example, take some time to really Steelman your (opposite) position and see if you actually learn anything!)

Then, Sloth with some Devils Advocate (or someone else can steelman the opposite position) would reply:
Those Whales are there to support and build Hive, they add the most developments and opportunities. Without them, we would still be in the shade of 'Sun'. Tribes and communities add to the decentralised nature of Hive without eroding the values each tribe holds, it's a multicultural boiling pot of ideas.

And we would continue debating/arguing 'against' our beliefs until we reach a point of consensus! Have you got what it takes to challenge your own opinions?

I look forward to your discussion choice, and your Steelman views fighting against what you believe!

Let's hope people (wait did I understand it?) read/understand the Steelman position, otherwise, I'm going to get a lot of downvotes for the title!

Sloth out!