How to make ($millions) money on Hive, Follow these TOP 10 tips 2023! Yes, so good they are futuristic!


How to get Rich quick on Hive!
How to Grow your reputation to 125 on Hive
How to make money on Hive!

Top Tips!

  1. Beg for followers! Even make gifs to highlight it!

  2. Pay for votes + supporters!

  3. Copy + pasta all the "Hot" posts! Easy money!

  4. Find the "best" old content, and re-use it!

  5. Tag all the biggest accounts in every post

  6. Spam the highest followed tags even if your content is nothing to do with it

  7. Running out of fake tips to give

  8. None of the above will work

  9. Might as well aim for 10 now...

  10. Clickbait titles! << That one sometimes does work, make the content worthwhile though!

Congratulations you're now RICH!!!

If you didn't read above, go read it, quick! Rich I tell you, the rest is worthless!


Ok, let's get real!

So, now we've got all the "get rich quick" fanboys out the way, we get to some real content, let's be honest, there's no way to get rich quick on Hive, or anywhere, especially if you're a little sloth!

Hive is more than making money, it's about growing as a person, a creator, a developer, a streamer, a sloth, a whatever you want to be on Hive! There's something for everyone, from Art to Zebras! It's a real Sloth's Arc! Building, DIY, Gardening, Music, Technology and X-rays? Well, I'm sure there will be at least one x-ray somewhere. Thumbs up to all those with x-ray photos of something interesting!

I wonder if the image and title are too much, did anyone get past the mask? Will people even read this far or will I be hit with a bunch of downvotes without context, let's see how hivemind the hive is.


My experience of Hive overall has been awesome! Finding some excellent content and impressive people! I find myself spending so much time reading other posts (not always commenting, but I'm working on it).

Last min Edit:

I just remembered what sparked me to write this post, I always forget to follow those creators I spend time reading and enjoying their posts, then I forget all about them! So, one tip, leave a comment on post's you like, then check your comment history! You can find those awesome creators to follow!) Right, back to it:

So, if I were to give some real tips on how to be successful on Hive?

Notice, successful, not rich!

First...don't try to be successful on Hive! The best thing you can do is be yourself, build connections, find your niches and grow as a person. Whether you're creating, crafting or curating, everyone has a chance to shine on Hive.

From a little sloth trying to find his niche (What better place than They help support other creators via our Discord - sorry, shameless shill! But, they need more content to share and support or me and @blitzzzz will need to keep passing comments back and forth!)

Right, here are some tips

  • Interact with content you enjoy.
  • Get involved in community Discords, there's endless other opportunities to interact and develop relationships with the other Hivians. (Plus post sharing, events, and giveaways!)
  • Take is easy, there's no rush! Quality beats Quantity every time on Hive! Spend a little extra time, care and love on your posts and watch them flourish.
  • Take a risk, read an article/post you wouldn't normally, it may open you up to something new to enjoy.

Biggest tip, don't try to "game the system" Hivians have seen it all before, don't waste your time!

Oh, a couple of side points before we finish up, don't be disheartened if your post "fails" or doesn't get the support you thought it would. Hive is massive, and sometimes the best post's get overlooked. Keep pushing forward, Hive is a place for personal growth, as well as overall community growth. Work with your Hivians to make the best opportunities, always be humble, and take it Sloth!

Final side note, then I'm posting! Come take part in the #500wordsaday community, I found it when starting my Hive journey, it's been a really fun ride! Share your 500 words today?


*Damn...Just revealed the real secret in a meme...Well join discord and start your journey today? *

Slothly Does It PB.jpg