I think I'm addicted!

Good afternoon buzzers, Happy Saturday! You know, over the last few weeks I think I've developed a new addiction. I tend to think I'm not the sort to get addicted to things, but this one has been playing on my mind!

YouTube. It's got me good! I've had a few Youtube rabbit holes in the past, going deep into random topics from Aliens, to Flat Earth, Christianity to Twin Twoer conspiracies. Recently however it's been even worse, in between debates about everything from free speech to trans rights and abortion.

I've developed an addiction to watching people playing games. It started pretty innocently, watching some AoE2 games, bringing back some old days' nostalgia. However, these last few days I've been watching people playing Rust, a game I managed to play for a whole 10 minutes some years ago, and now even a Farming simulator!

I mean, watching someone else pretending to be a farmer? How has it come to this? It's all about procrastination, avoiding 'boring' tasks by boring myself even more with random videos and content. Even now, I have youtube playing in the background, this time it's an interview with Fern Brady. As we approach the end, I'm worried about where my addiction will take me next.

Something about Keith Lemon on Jonathan Ross. Funnily enough, this isn't my normal viewing content. I made the conscious decision not to bring the Ipad through today, so I could get more done. I decided not to laptop whilst eating lunch, and immediately went to my mobile and onto the youtube app. This one isn't signed in to any account so gives me more random content. I still end up watching videos, luckily it's boring enough that I can focus on writing this!

Ok, they were making animal noises for Attenbrough to answer, hooked me in! I've put it down, furiously typing to get something done! My mind is scrambled! Send help! Preferably not in the way of a youtube video!

Sloth out!