It's a beautiful sunny day to be distracted!

Good evening buzzers! What a day to be alive! The sun is shining, the weather is sweet! I think those are lyrics to a song but I can't remember what song?!

The joys of the sloth buzz brain! Always jumping from one thing to another, I had a brilliant idea for a post earlier, but I got distracted and now I've no idea what it was!

I've spent most of the day soaking up the rays, and I've got a feeling I'm going to be a little red sloth in the morning! Even with factor 50 suncream on, this sloth burns! On days like today, it's hard to drag myself indoors, but it's time to eat so I'm going to smash out a quick post, have some dinner then prepare for Tuesday's Talks with Tengo, hopefully without getting distracted before then and missing it!

So, how easy is sloth distracted?

I made myself a coffee earlier so I could enjoy a nice cake with it, managed to finish the coffee without having my cake, so, I'm looking forward to having that after dinner at least!

Had some door handles to paint today, so got myself ready, painted them...and realised I was locked out...had to use the brush to push the handle down so I could get back in the door! Did think I would be able to use the other door, which would have made sense, but I clearly put my keys down at some point and the other door was locked! Not sure if that's an easily distracted moment or just a stoopid sloth moment!

Thought I had worked out an awesome new system for curation content, was scrolling through my feed, opening all the posts that caught my eye in new tabs, then going through them, reading, liking and commenting. Only to realise on the second last one that I was using the wrong account! Clearly trying to do too much at one time doesn't work for sloth!

Well, the food is ready...sort of, I have some chicken kebabs ready, nothing else, I had thought about making something to accompany them, but it seems I was distracted! Who'd have guessed?

Well, that's all folks! I better go before I get distracted by something else, oh like #hivechats over on twitter! Heard about this recently and decided to stop by and post a few tweets today! Check it out and add to the discussion! Happens every Tuesday, with 5 questions from a different host each week! Great chance to share some of your Hive experience and make some new twitt friends!

Sloth out!