My small bird Feathered friend entry for #SMAP

Good morning buzzers! The sun is shining the weather is, well dry. It's bloody freezing though! I'm going to take advantage of the nice weather and get out and get some morning steps in! I think I'll take the doggo to the local park and let him have a good run about today!

Whilst I'm there, hopefully, I'll get some more pictures of some feathered friends! Oh, and that reminds me! I noticed the feathered friends contest posted the other day! I even reblogged it so I could find it again later! What a brilliant topic for today's post! I was going to complain about my internet issues again and the fact I'm feeling the winter sloth taking over. But, we've all heard that before so, on with our feathered friends!

Or is it a #smap contest, are they related, I need to read more! Maybe I should make the #slothbuzz writing contest a #smap, might get some more bites! Anyways, onwards young sloth!


Lots of rules to follow for this one, let's make sure we do them! I'm using my own photo. And posting to the 'feathered friends community'.

Here's my entry, a beautiful Robin red breast. I must admit, not the best photo I've ever taken but you can see that breast in all its glory! I snapped this yesterday on my #WednesdayWalk, I'm rather surprised at how close this little Robin let me get, especially with the doggo in toe.

Robins are said to be lucky by some, allowing for the opening of a new chapter. Others believe them to be reminders of lost loved ones. Both contexts could apply to me as I push forward into a January of change and progress.




I was tempted to utilise some of my other bird photos, but these are a little larger than small I think. I can't help ducking around when I'm at the local pond, there's always something interesting happening! As long as these birds don't get let goose, (loose) (ok I was trying to squeeze another pun in!) then we're safe!

Well, that's all folk, until next time,

Sloth out!