One of those Mondays

Gooood evening buzzers! It’s again been one of those Mondays! I feel I write more of these posts than normal posts lately. However lets spin things up.

What’s more important? Happiness? Or pride? Pride in oneself. Or happiness for oneself. I ask you after listening to a podcast this afternoon, whilst waiting for some other things to happen, which lead me down the path of procrastination. Trying to do something else when theres a task weighing on my mind is a no-go! Apparently a sure fire sign of ADD/ADHD, however, something stuck with me. Pride or happiness. And the ability to “just do it” because at the end of the day, happiness could be found by having a quiet day doing nothing. But pride must he earnt, you have to put the work in to feel proud. In turn, by being proud of yourself, you’ve had to succeed and achieve, therefore bringing the happiness!

So, get up, do it! What ever it is for you! Today, its getting my daily hive post complete. Small steps! One day at a time!

Sloth out.