Sloth does the Photo-essay contest nr 8 #Orange-essay

Good evening buzzers, I thought I would spend this evening looking through my photos for something orange! What better time than for the photo-essay weekly challenge?

The challenge is simple, post 5 of your own pictures with the colour/topic selected, write a few words and have some fun! Full info can be seen here Link

Well tried to upload them all in one go, but fail! Let's go one at a time! Seem's my internet is having general issues, so I'm hoping for the best and will try uploading the photos via mobile!

What better image to start than a glorious orange sunrise? With some clouds floating on by the sea's reflection, the orange shines through!

Next up we have an orangish highland cow! These cows have big horns, big furry coats and a Scottish orange glow!

Sticking with animals, we've got the doggo squeezing into his old bed, with a nice orange floor which makes him look tiny!

Time for some more glorious sunshine! I can't ask for a much better view to wake up to!

Rounding us off we have a flames of glory! Cant be a little fire pit on a nice summers night, even whilst sitting in the great scottish rain with an umbrella! So, that bring us to the end of this post! I think we've just about covered all the rules, keeping us out of the red or just in the orange! Thanks for stopping by, I look forward to your orange essay entries!

Sloth out!