Sloth is Zealy doing it! He's buzzin!
Good evening sloths! What a WOOnderful evening it is! Even if the dog decided he was having an extra 30 mins running wild not listening to me! Maybe I need to chokeslam him, or give him the people's elbow!
Wait sloth! What are you talking about, you can't do that to a dog!
Oh yeah, you're right! I'll keep them for the wrestling ring! WOO!
I'm all in the mood to throw down, or prance around if going by today's wrestling, is it just me or does it look faker than I remember?
But, as usual, I digress! It wouldn't be a sloth post without going wildly off-topic! Today, I bring you the SlothBuzz Woo contest! Well, it's a WOO contest that SlothBuzz is participating in! All you have to do is select slothbuzz from the Zealy quest in the WOO campaign! But what is the WOO Zealy? Well here's a handy link right HERE
What's the Crate's all about? Well, buy some Land over the next 2 weeks (join zealy for bonus 'points') and you'll earn some awesome rewards. Want to know more about them? This is the post HERE
But why do you keep posting about it Sloth? Well, for that, I have a link HERE
You see, WOO are giving away 200K WOO Bucks or, $2000 of WOO Bucks!
Not something to be sniffed at, especially when you can use those WOO bucks to buy some Land plots, earning you points for prizes! Combine this with the Zealy campaign and one community (slothbuzz?) and one winner (slothlydoesit?) will win it all!
A Sloth, Winning a Sprint? NEVER
Well, so far so good, I don't think this will last if I'm honest! I'm hoping one of the buzzing sloths at slothbuzz will take over and smash this contest for the slothbuzz community! I hear they'll be giving some bonus rewards for users signing up to the WOO Zealy, and joining team slothbuzz! So, join the Zealy today and let's make the WOO event buzz!
Sloth out!