Slothin along into Karnage!

Good evening buzzers! It's been a long day, the sun is shining the weather is sweet! There's currently a race going past my house about a thousand people running to a rock and back. Well, it's slightly more than that but you get the jist.

I've spent my day chasing the karnage that is Kingdom Karnage. Loving the game so going to share some pics, shill my ref and call it a post! Enjoy!

Decided to focus on my Wolf Army as I have the legendary character that gives them a buff, grabbed a few more from the market with my earned KKT.

Love the fact you can jump into the game and play and earn for free! It's a great game, especially when you get to flex on your enemy

Look at those wolfies go! Smashing the enemy hero within the first few turns of a ranked battle

I had to grab a picture of this army comp, it was mean! Again, the battle didn't last very long. As I've been playing this game since its launch I have a decent enough army, I can hold my own against most players but am nowhere near competing with the whales! I've causally forgotten to capture any of my screaming defeats!

This was my 'fastest' time running the Catacombs dungeon! Always guaranteed to snag a great prize if you can overcome it! One of my favourite aspects of the game! There are so many different game modes and so much more to come! The KK team are currently marketing the new elf line too! More characters to snag whilst they're 'cheap'!

Come play Kingdom Karange! Use ref 'Slothbuzz' and earn a juicy sign up bundle!

So, download the game (mobile or steam) add the ref: slothbuzz and grab your bonuses!

Sloth out!