Slothin along, sharing some thoughts on the buzz.

Good evening buzzers, it's been a sloth, that's for sure!

I had a plan for this post, well, I had half an idea of a plan, however, having just taken a quick look at my last post (it was soooo long ago!) I can't help but think this one would be a similar experience. Yada yada, blah blah, procrastination killed the sloth.

Well, let's crack onto something a little more substantial. Sloth.Buzz. It was the dream, the sloths came to Hive swinging. We wanted to be the next buzzing thing to hit Hive and make an impact, bringing together communities and uniting efforts for all Hivians to push forward. We had a vision, a dev and a buzzing active user base. We were slothly growing into different niches and exploring various topics.

And, then, the sloth set in. To be fair, it was a year and a half into my Hive journey proper. Everything was too much to handle, real life got in the way, our Dev couldn't continue, even the sloth hit a made case of the sloths! Yes, that's me! Even to this day, I'm still struggling to get back into the swing of things. Real life has changed for me over the last few months. Some precarious decisions have taken me on different paths than I imagined.

I've found myself wondering, what I want to do and where I want to go moving forward. Sloth.Buzz was a dream, however, I'm not sure I utilised my time and abilities to full effect. Hive in general was a new platform for me to focus on. I hit things hard and fast, throwing the buzz far and wide. Ultimately I didn't receive the return I imagined. I think this is a killer for most 'new' Hive users. We each come up with different ideas of what will come from our efforts and I think most end up disappointed.

For me, money wasn't the goal. However, with anything crypto, it has to be a concern. I decided to focus a lot of my time and effort on building my 'main' account, this one, 'slothlydoesit'. I also had the community accounts to push, everything from slothbuzz to our curation account and the 'slothburn' account. While building the core slothbuzz community and trying to grow the token's potential within the ecosystem. Utilising the power of Hive's hodl and curate systems. Spreading all the buzz across so much sloth was consuming. Not only this, but to try to further the buzz around Hive I spread my time and efforts into helping other people with their communities and projects. Unfortunately, there is only so much sloth to go around, and inevitably I burnt out.

Where I want to go from here I'm still unsure, I know I want to continue with, however, I'm unsure where to take things next. Do I keep pushing my slothlyodesit account, building my stake in Hive and various other hive-engine tokens? Do I sell all my 'useless' assets and solely focus on building a Hive standing? Do I sell everything? Move everything to one account (slothbuzz) and focus on building the community.

Do I even have the motivation to continue my journey here at all?

What does the future hold?

The age-old question. Of course, we all have a part to play in deciding our futures, however, sometimes external factors can change the direction we imagine. We have to accept, whatever will be will be.


I think this post has gone in the wrong direction, time to re-read what I've waffled thus far, then make a plan for what I want to say! I hope you didn't waste too much time reading my waffle! I'm currently sitting on the sofa, watching TV trying to write this....I've lost the focus I once had! I want it back! Give me my buzz you little sloth!

TV off, re-read done. And memes made. This, in fact, is the basic post I tend to create here on Hive. Should this be the direction I focus? Make my blog about me, the ups and the downs, the sloth and the buzz one could say!

I'm still in two (or perhaps three, or four) minds about how to proceed. Should I be focusing on myself and my content? Or, focusing on the community and community content for Undoubtedly there are more avenues to explore by using the community account as a main account on Hive. Curations, activities, events. Should I step back from my 'usual content'? The long-winded sloth thought posts. Hitting those 500 words and throwing out some memes?

Would the community continue to grow naturally if I focus only on my content? Having some content under the slothbuzz community is better than nothing surely? Do people even read my posts and does that even matter? My posts tend to be more of a diary than anything new or exciting for people to read. I'm sure some people can relate to some of the issues discussed within, however what is the real purpose?

I guess, as was the case when I started my Hive journey and the experiment, I just liked creating content, even if it's not intentionally directed at any thing in specific...and we're rambling again...let's see what happens from here. I have some more thinking to do!

Until next time,

Sloth out