Stoic sloth?
Good afternoon buzzers! Today I'm going a little stoic! What does that even mean?
Stoicism, in general terms, means letting go of what you can't control in favour of those things you can control. Much like yesterday's post where we were talking about life and its hurdles. Stoicism is a great train of thought, it should make your life more simple, more enjoyable, and more 'good'?
I'm sure we could all take some lessons from stoicism along with many other 'schools of thought'. In the modern world of hustle and bustle were often caught up with things we can't control. What do people think of me, why's it raining? All these things can stop you from pursuing and achieving your goals that you don't actually have any control over!
Some basic rules for stoicism would be saying yes to what matters, this would mean saying no to things that don't matter so much. Having a focus and working towards that will bring a better result than chasing many goals and trying everything.
Seeking challenges, again, we can't control what happens around us, however, we can seek out the challenge and learn from things. What were the results, and how did we overcome something? It won't be what other people did that determine this but how we acted or achieved them.
Controlling your emotions is a key part of the stoic life, although we can't control how people perceive us, we can control how we react to things. Having a level head (and mind) will take us a lot further than having an emotional response to every situation. Of course, emotions are still important, we need to control them to have the best chance at succeeding though. If we allow every little thing to come between us and our goals we'll never achieve them.
Finally, help the small guy. It's one of those things that creep into most way of thinking, we should always be looking out for those who cannot help themselves. Having the discipline to manage yourself whilst helping others is a major player in bringing happiness. We should all be out to help each other, whilst not losing sight of what we want and need.
Sloth out!!