The great AI debate!

So, Sloth being a sloth, I'm finally touching more on the great AI debate!


Should we use it? Should we abuse it? Should we vote for it? These are the questions that go around with each AI post, be it images, memes or text.

Of course, we can all agree that there are some amazing advantages to using AI, from creating multiple images instantaneously, to full blog posts (Sometimes even creating the code for the blog itself) and music, memes and videos! There's an AI for everything these days.

imgflip meme

So, AI is good? Right?

Or is it? Will it take over the world? Push out all "real" creators?

Could...well, there's no could about it, you CAN use AI, to build your blogging website, and blog daily for you. Adding images, videos and other content as required. The question is, SHOULD we vote for it on Hive? Should we contribute Hive rewards to "creators" only using AI, or should we focus on "real" artists?

imgflip meme

img flip meme

I've dabbled in some AI creations myself, using some AI-generated images for several posts. I've seen many "digital art" posts, basically, just people explaining what the AI spits out, some get "High" votes. The question is, should we continue to support those posts, or should we allow AI text-generated blogs and upvote those?

I'd love to hear your opinions, I occasionally use AI, from images to memes as seen in my last post, and I try to always cite the source, be it AI or manual production. Would this take the sting out of voting for AI, at least if you know it's AI you can make a decision whether to support it or not.

What happens when AI posts start appearing, daily, with "good" content? (It's super smart, it's not going to produce mediocre content!?) Will we all be tricked into supporting 99% bot accounts? Creating and posting with minimal interaction from anyone "real"? Or can we outlast the Bots and continue producing "real" content?