What makes a valuable Hive user?

Good afternoon buzzers! Finally, I've had a day to sit at the laptop and catch up with everything (there wasn't enough time to finish this post though, so here I am the next day forgetting what I was doing!), and it got me thinking, what actually makes a valuable Hive user?

Does just being 'on' Hive count?
Do we need to invest and HODL the Hive token?
Do we just need to create, engage and vote for content?
Develop projects?
Build communities?

What do you think makes a really 'valuable' Hive user?

We see many accounts that only do one or two of the above and are just as valuable as someone who does them all. Previously I've been more concerned with the monetary aspect, or at least, I have whilst contemplating my 'Hive growth'. Each month I utilise the power of Hive power-up days (the next one coming soon!) to maximise my growth, with my goals aimed at pushing my HP and HBD amounts.

However, I was exploring the HiveBuzz site and started paying more attention to some of the other stats they have available. On the ranking page, you can rank in many different categories. 'Rep' (Reputation) is one of the key indicators of a person's 'success' on Hive, but how do you stack up with others in categories such as 'posts' or 'comments'? Maybe to maximise my effectiveness here, and therefore my value, I need to be more engaging with comments, voting and generally engaging with others.

I guess this could open up a new series of posts for me, where I track more of my stats weekly instead of just my monthly power-up. Joining the 'Busy bees' on Hive recently, means I get a weekly post showing our progress, this again is focused on the HP growth than anything else. So it can't hurt to have a more stat-focused approach to my future Hive endeavours.

As we can see with Rep rankings at Hive.Buzz, I'm ranked 8918 out of all Hivians, a pretty good place to be after a year of contributing to Hive. This will be my baseline for working out how my other stats compare. Let's have a look at the main stats I want to improve to help my 'value' on Hive. I'd like to create more content, although, quality beats quantity on this one! I'd also like to increase my comments to other users, and the upvotes I give out. Finally, I'd like to track my follower count and see if all this extra work increases my position with other Hive users.

TypeCurrent amountRank
Posts34712066(Below rep rank)
Comments16298567(Above rep rank)
Upvotes (out)168449902(Below rep rank)
Followers136184308(Below rep rank)

So, now we have the base for some new posts, hopefully, this also opens up some doors for other users to hold themselves to a better standard and utilise the tools Hive has to offer to ensure they're a positive influence on the Hive ecosystem. I'll continue my power-up journey on the next power-up day! Only a couple of days away now, the big question for me this month, is to power up to 5000HP (my original goal) or aim for the stars, and become a Hive Slophin (Dolphin?)! I believe my Hive 'anniversary' is due in October, maybe I can have two significant power-up events this month!

I've been playing around with the Canva AI image generator and 'text helper' using fairy dust to sprinkle some magic onto my images, it may be a little overkill but we'll monitor it and see how if goes!

That's one for me to consider, two slothly power-ups seem more exciting than one! However, Until next time,

Sloth out!