Why is writing a comment on someone else's post so difficult?

Ever sat and read a really great post, and wanted to support it, engage with it, or generally show some appreciation for it? Of course, smashing that like button shows your support, but if it has more than 2-3 upvotes are people really paying attention to who's upvoting?

Why not leave a comment, drop some nugget of information or witty response? Well, here in lies my problem, trying to find something to say about a post, be it 20 or 2000 words long! Sometimes I read them, taking in the author's views, and then...nothing.. "great post, thanks for sharing" is the best I can come up with?

Really? Great post, thanks for sharing. Cmon! You (I) can do better than that! I know we can, it can't be that difficult, yet, this is where I find myself more often than not, which results in me not commenting at all.

Of course, all the advice books will tell you, quote a line back, and expand on their point. Highlight the part you really liked, because, after all, that's why you're in this situation.

But then...how to not come across as... I think, I this, I that...it's your post, why would you care what I think?

Or is this just a me problem? Maybe I just need to be more open to compliments! It's beautiful! A masterpiece? The highlight of my day! Too much? You're probably right! Somewhere in the middle is probably a better place to aim!

Well, back to reading through my timeline, I might continue this theme of making a random post anytime I have a thought, who knows, one day they might actually be useful!

Leave me a comment, and show me how it's done!

Need an image to stand out, here's a glowing sloth created by Hotpot.ai!
